Terms of Use, registration and cancellation


Registration for courses, classes and ongoing groups is mainly done by Sign Up For Event -form or by email at  ilmoittautumislomakkeella  suski@hurttiajahuumoria.fi


When registrating by email, include following information

  • Name of the course / class / ongoing group
  • Your name
  • Your contact-information (phone number, email, full address)
  • Forenames of other attendees
  • Dogs name (calling name)
  • Breed
  • Sex and age

If there is something special about your dog or it´s behaviour, you can also discribe them.


Ongoing groups

Groups will be billed in five-time perioids, excluding course called Mejä, which is billed each period at it´s own.
If participant misses a class, billing-perioid will be extended to the next suitable length.



Please notify your absence from ongoing group at least 24 hours before group is supposed to gather.
Therefore giving us as much time as possible adjust training to the right amount of participants (excluding Haku- and Mejä-groups, where regular cancellation-times are applied).
In other cases Hurttia & Huumoria is rightfully justified to reclaim full price of the gathering, prices listed below.


Registration is binding

You will receive email concerning the course.
Email will include bill of the course from Trustpoint as an attachment.
Mainly the bill is due within a week.
Bill must be payed completly before the course begins.


Any individual living in Finland can participate in our courses.
Minors has to have written permission that can be shown when asked from guardian when participating. 


If the course / class / group is full, please contact by email.


Terms of cancellation

Please remember to inform us of possible cancellation as soon as possible so we can vacant your place for the next arrival.


If a participant informs a cancellation more than 14 days before course / class / group is supposed to begin, we will refund the fee in total or cancel the unpaid bill.


If a participant informs a cancelletion between 10 and 14 days before course / class / group is supposed to begin, we will refund 50% of the fee.
If the cancellation is informed less than 10 days before course / class / group is supposed to begin, fee will be charged in full.

Cancellation has to be done by email or sms-message.


On-going groups:

If a participant of a ongoing group wishes to take a break (maximum if one month in a year, otherwise H&H has the right to replace participant) or to cancel all together, this change should be announced at least two weeks before break / cancellation is due.


In other cases H&H has the right to charge participant for the full cost for one billing-perioid (16,50€/h, minimum billing-perioid is five hours).


In exception to refunds is the case of illness concerning the dog or dogs handler (participant must present vet or doctors report if asked). In these cases refund is paid to the full amount or participant can use already select another similiar course.


Other personal reasons or unpaid bill are not valid reasons for cancellation and do not qualify as a reason for refund.


If organizer cancels the whole course, payments will be returned for all participants or they can choose another suitable course.


Erääntyneestä laskusta Trust laskutuspalvelu / perintätoimisto lähettää muistutuksen ja hoitaa perinnän.


Poissaolo tulee ilmoittaa etukäteen ennen kurssin alkua.
Kuittaamme kaikki peruutukset.


Sairaudesta tai juoksujen alkamisesta tulee ilmoittaa välittömästi, varoaika juoksuissa on kolmisen viikkoa (koskee etenkin sisätila kursseja).


Kurssin keskeytyessä pitkäaikaisen sairastumisen (lääkärin- tai eläinlääkärintodistus esitettävä) tai juoksujen vuoksi pyrimme myös tarjoamaan väliinjääneet kurssikerrat toisella vastaavalla kurssilla.


Kaikissa ilmoittautumiseen ja laskunmaksuun liittyvissä ongelmissa tai halutessasi sopia laskun eräpäivästä voit kääntyä puoleemme, autamme mielellämme!


Hurttia & Huumoria pidättää oikeuden korvaaviin kursseihin sekä muutoksiin.


Nämä ilmoitus- ja peruutusehdot koskevat ainoastaan Hurttia & Huumorin omia kursseja, luentoja ja tapahtumia.
Erikoiskursseilla tai muiden kanssa yhteistyössä järjestetyissä tapahtumissa ilmoittautumis- ja peruutusehdot saattavat poiketa edellämainituista.